Saturday, January 2, 2010

Hearing Aids China What Is Up With Congress?

What is up with Congress? - hearing aids china

After more than Metro-pound phone bill, Congress approved eliminating funding is needed for border security. Congress must take defective Chinese-made lead-based hearing aids, because they apparently did not hear the American people, or simply do nothing!


Anonymous said...

I'm ready to free himself from someone who does not even have a story to illegally Pro. You can keep count probably on one hand the number of politicians. take the time to read the articles I published the news informative and well.

farmer blank said...

OK, thats funny. We have to remember the people who ignored government.Ever disadvantages choreagraphed so often they have set the option to fill, so I think we have a voice in the government. " All that matters to keep a comfortable position is, and rape us some more.

catmanin... said...

not enough to really piss you .... Vote at the next election? This is something that I began to hate. Prior to the vote and people stay and stay and do what they want. Enough!

catmanin... said...

not enough to really piss you .... Vote at the next election? This is something that I began to hate. Prior to the vote and people stay and stay and do what they want. Enough!

usaf.pri... said...

When these people re-elected to power, what are you waiting for? Expecting different results is insanity.

How long have you been in the office of Kennedy? More than 30 years?.

usaf.pri... said...

When these people re-elected to power, what are you waiting for? Expecting different results is insanity.

How long have you been in the office of Kennedy? More than 30 years?.

fretocho... said...

all sectors of the Fed is no longer the wishes of the population.
have .... Maybe it's time for another party "Tee"

Thomasina Paine said...

His email reads Lou Dobbs, right? They thought it was just because it is so close to Christmas. I tore my senator and congressman for something new!

We are just a little uncomfortable for them - just like their masters, please transactions.

Mark B said...

Unfortunately, the Congress, especially Republicans believe that none of its bases against them because of their pro-active amnesty. For my part, am willing to vote for Hillary over a candidate pro amnesty for illegal immigrants, like Mike Huckabee and Ron Paul. But many in the party do not, and know the Republican leadership. Let us take a position on this issue now, our country is finished, no matter who wins.

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